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Texarkana APT


Tomorrow, we (my fiancee and I) will be heading to Texarkana to play the APT event this week. I have not played in this event before so it will be fun to play some new courses and I am very excited to compete again!

We will hit the road around 5:30 in the morning and arrive in Texarkana around 11. The tournament is being hosted on 2 courses, so I am hoping to get a good look at both of them tomorrow. More time for preparation and practice rounds would be ideal, but I had to report to work this morning which leaves tomorrow as my only option to see both courses.

There are 180 players in the field this week which is a great turnout and a field of very strong competition. Each player will play both courses within the first two rounds. The courses being played this week are Texarkana Country Club and North Ridge Country Club. There will be a cut to the top 60 and ties after the first 2 rounds and the remaining 36 holes will be played at Texarkana Country Club.

I am feeling good about my game entering this tournament. I have spent time practicing and playing to sharpen all parts of my game for the event and I am excited to put it to the test in competition. If you follow my social media posts, you may have seen that I ordered a book called “Simplicity” by Steven Yellin. Applying the instruction from this book into my practice has allowed me to play with more freedom than I had recently been playing with. I am looking forward to the opportunity to bring that freedom into competition and allow myself to play at my best.

Ultimately I know that God is in control and whatever He has planned for me this week will take place. I want nothing more and nothing less than His perfect will for my life. I am thankful for the chance I have to be in this tournament and I want to put my absolute best effort forward out of thankfulness to Him and out of a desire to glorify God with the blessings, talents, skills, and opportunities, He has given me. I am excited for another week of highly competitive professional golf and a fun trip with my fiancee! Can’t wait to hit the road!


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