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Fresh Start


In October of 2018, I started writing a blog and creating content on Instagram to share my journey in the game of golf. I have really enjoyed the opportunity and I appreciate the encouragement received from the people who have followed me.

I originally built a website on WordPress, without knowing anything about website design, and was able to create a functional website and blog. As the time has passed since I started, I have become more serious about building my brand. New ideas and opportunities have developed and I am excited about what this can be!

Over the last few months, I have started to sell online golf lessons as well as custom golf bags. This required some work on the website to add a good store page and a clean checkout process. Unfortunately, I had a lot of trouble getting these things created on my WordPress site. I was not happy with the process and constant maintenance juggling all the accounts across various plugins to make it work.

Within the last week, I built (with the help and inspiration of my sweet girlfriend) a new website through Wix and you are on it now!! It's very exciting to me to have a new space that will host my content and support a store to provide some cool services and products. I hope you take some time to check it all out! It has been fun building this website with Wix, and I have enjoyed the user-friendly and professional platform. Feel free to give me some feedback about the website!

If you are on my site for long enough, you will notice that this is the first and only blog post. Through the process of creating a website, and to my own fault, I have been unable to transfer all my previous blogs from my old WordPress website. I have been in contact with the support team, but since I can no longer even log into my WordPress account, I am not confident I will be able to recover the blog posts.

It is disappointing to have possibly lost the blogs written in the first 2 years of my shared journey, but it gives me an opportunity now to be in a better flow of writing and creating so that I can fill my new website. I would like to write with more consistency and post on a regular and scheduled basis. My goal for the content I create has not changed. I want to give insight into the game and share my unfiltered journey with the hopes of inspiring other people to chase their biggest dreams!

The is the first blog posted to my new website and many will follow. I am excited about what God has in store for me this year and I am thankful He has given me the opportunity to share my journey. Follow along to read about my experience in professional golf, things going on in the world of golf, instructional content etc.. you can even subscribe on the home page if you would like to receive these posts by email! Let me know in the comments of anything specific you are wanting to know about! Time to work 😎

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